
Spring Collection - Meditation Time

Spring Collection - Kitsch Madness

This is probably one of my favorite necklaces because it is so different and so kitsch!!! I really like it: it has the pop-art Marilyn portrait that my beloved Andy Warhol immortalized, and a cute pink flower with a pearl inside. I might start using more flowers, I think :D
Este é provavelmente um dos meus colares preferidos por ser tão diferente e tão kitsch!! Adoro-o porque tem o tão conhecido retrato da Marilyn Monroe que Andy Warhol adaptou ao seu fantástico estilo pop-art e uma flore rosa com uma pérola no meio. São misturas estranhas que no final ficam interessantes!!!! :D

Spring Collection - Owls

In brass/Em bronze
 In silver/Em prata

Spring Collection - Vintage Wings

Spring Collection - Purple Flowers

Spring Collection - Roses IV

Spring Collection - Roses III

Valentine's Day: a suggestion

This is just a suggestion for Valentine's Day, because I don't really like it, but as they say "you gotta go with the flow" :D
Isto é só uma brincadeirinha com o dia dos Namorados, do qual não sou grande fã, mas enfim, como se diz, se não os consegues vencer junta-te a eles!! :D

Victorian Era - Greek Cameo

Spring Collection - Flower Power II


Spring Collection - Blue Butterflies

Spring Collection - Fairy in the Moon

Spring Collection - Roses II

Spring Collection - Butterfly II

Spring Collection - Time IV

Victorian Era - Fairies and Flowers

Spring Collection - Time III

Spring Collection - Black Swan

Inspired in the Black Swan movie (starring Natalie Portman - great movie, btw), this necklace has its dark, gothic tones. I like it very much :)
Inspirado no filme Cisne Negro, este colar usa os tons negros, quase góticos, presentes no filme. Gosto muito dele :)

Spring Collection - Butterfly I

Spring Collection - Pearly Drops

Spring Collection - Roses I

Spring Collection - Time II

Spring Collection - Flower Power

Spring Collection - Emerald Earrings

Spring Collection - Leaf Hearts Earrings

In pearly white

In soft pink

Spring Collection - Lace Earrings

Victorian Era - Cameos

A cameo necklace for my beautiful cousin!!

Another cameo ring available  :)

Spring Collection - It's Time for Africa :)

Spring Collection - Time I

Oh I like these alright :)
Gosto imenso dos relógios de bolso, são lindos!

Spring Collection - Master Key II

Spring Collection - Master Key


Spring Collection coming soon..

I'll try to post my new pieces for the upcoming Spring soon! It'll be full of flower power, sweet things, and a few Black Swan inspired pieces (I love the movie, btw)!! See you :)
Brevemente vou colocar as fotos da nova colecção desta Primavera.. Vai ter muitas flores, peças doces e também algumas inspiradas no look do filme "Cisne Negro" que a-d-o-r-e-i! :)

Spring is coming...


Flowers are blossoming and painting the grass with yellow patches...Spring's on the way :D


Vem aí a Primavera.. já se vê o amarelo das flores pelos campos!